Trap shooting is offered on Tuesday mornings 9:00 AM to 12 noon and Thursday evenings 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Trap range will close earlier than the times posted if all shooters have completed their shooting.
At Hellertown Sportsmen’s Association, we have an electric automatic trap that we put to use on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have also added a Voice Calling System that everyone is thrilled with! Our Trap Field is nestled in the south end of a limestone quarry and presents a real challenge to shooters. It has a somewhat abrupt background. Our field is also equipped with 300 watts of metal halide light which enables us to shoot right up to 9:00 PM even on the short days in the fall and winter. Many shooters find trap shooting to be great fun and very challenging. We have shooters ranging from the beginner up to expert. We stress safety and safe gun handling at all times to preserve everyone’s fun. Instruction is available for the novice shooter and there are always experienced shooters around to give helpful tips. We do shoot doubles from time to time which is a lot of fun.
All legal, trap appropriate shotguns with a 26 inch minimum barrel length, are allowed with 12 gauge being the most popular. You should use target loads and only loads of up to 1 1/8 oz. of # 7 ½ or # 8 shot are allowed. Shooters have used 16 and 20 gauge. That adds a little more challenge to the game. Many use their field guns for practice in preparation for the game season. Come on out, join a great group of people for a fun morning or evening!
All guns must have their actions “OPEN” until they are at their actual shooting position.