

The membership meeting is held on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 PM. We Welcome New Members!

Membership Dues Effective January 1

All memberships run from January 1 to December 31.

New Member Dues:

Adult: $100 – Spouse and Junior*: $25
* Junior membership must be 15 and under. Birth date must be included on all junior membership applications

Renewal Membership dues

Adult: $75 if renewed on or before December 31 – Spouse: $25 – Juniors: $25
Any primary renewals received after December 31st will be $100. Renewals are accepted from November 1 until December 31.

Attention All Life Members

All LIFE members MUST fill out a membership renewal form AT NO COST TO THE MEMBER. HSA is updating all their member records. Failure to submit a RENEWAL FORM by 12/31/2024 will result in your name being removed as an active member and all correspondence will be discontinued.


Dues for 2025 will remain unchanged.

Dues will be payable between November 1 and December 31 2024.

The dues are as follows:


The next HSA New Member Safety Orientation is scheduled for Tuesday evening, January 21th, 2025 at 5:30 PM in the clubhouse.

All applicants for HSA Membership are required to attend one of these classes.
Future classes will be conducted as needed at least once per month. Check back here and on the calendar for updated schedules.

IMPORTANT: To REGISTER for classes please text Bill Books at  610-417-0161

Tentative dates for future classes, all from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm are:   February 18th , March 18th,  and April 15th  2025.